How do you celebrate an NBA championship? Well, for the city of Toronto, they were absolutely buzzing in the streets, with a celebration befitting the history made.

Things didn’t really seem to get out of hand at any point, but we had a couple of knuckleheads for sure. Exhibit A: This guy!



NOOOOOOOO 😰😰😰 • (🎥: Twitter/Fila1944)

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Is he okay? Can somebody check on him? You’re not going to find a more painful video than this.

Even with all the shenanigans, however, the police impressively reported that there were no arrests made as a result of the celebrations. Toronto got a little wild, clearly, but they stayed safe and responsible throughout. Just not that guy getting clocked in the nether regions by a street sign.

These, though, check out just fine to us!



The streets of Toronto are absolutely wild right now 👀

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h/t Twitter/Fila1944