When you get cars to race each other in close proximity while traveling at ridiculous speeds, you’re bound to end up with some unpredictability. This usually means jostling, crashing, and sometimes some post-race road rage scraps, but on Sunday, a video emerged from 2015 that is possibly something we will never see again.

Coming out of the GT Tour, two drivers found themselves in a very odd situation. While dealing with a congested corner, one car actually ended up on top of another car.




Tag a driver you could see ending up in this situation 🏎🏎 ••• (via @complex)

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Not every day you see that. What is this, a Pixar movie?

The real question is, could the driver on the bottom technically keep driving with their rooftop passenger? That would be a pretty crazy way to finish a race, as long as the your bumper is slightly ahead of theirs!

(H/T AutoMotoSportVK)