‘Tis the season, folks!

December is one of our favourite months of the year because it’s packed full of reasons to celebrate, and usually packed full of some of our favourite hockey. World Juniors, anyone?

It’s also the month of the year that we indulge in binging on cookies and holiday movies, and one of the films we always find ourselves watching during the month of December is Elf. How could you not? Will Ferrell is hilarious, and the movie is a classic.

While you probably already knew this, something you might not have known is that there’s actually a deleted hockey scene in the movie, and Buddy is the most vicious enforcer in the North Pole. Not just that, though, he scores goals, too!



We’re not sure how this scene got deleted, but we do know we’d be a little afraid if we ever had to line up against Buddy the Elf in the face off circle.

So remember this holiday season: the best way to spread Christmas cheer is dropping a shoulder for all to hear.