One of the most famous clips from Kobe Bryant's career was the Matt Barnes no-flinch.


Kobe standing there so casually and not flinching added to his legend status and gave the internet an incredible meme/GIF to use in comment sections and Twitter threads.

Unfortunately the same place that helped make the clip so popular actually ruined the no-flinch.  Someone on Twitter happened to find the overhead angle of the no-flinch (which isn't in the video above) and unless you want that clip to be ruined for you, we suggest not watching the overhead view.

The old/new footage ruined the clip for some, but others were quick to defend the no-flinch and share this clip of Matt Barnes talking about the play.

What side of the Kobe flinch debate do you fall on?  Let us know by tweeting us @BarDown or in the comments below.

(H/T: Twitter)