The football season comes to a close next week, but even more importantly in the eyes of some fans, the fantasy football season comes to an end tonight (in most leagues). While the Denver Broncos taking on the Oakland Raiders may have some high stakes involved for some owners, lots of fantasy championships have already been decided.

On the other side of the fantasy fence, some last place finishes have also been decided. With that? The punishments.

This particular BarDown staff writer has been in leagues with punishments including attending a football game and cheer against your favourite team, wearing a puka shell necklace for a full month, and participating in a 5K race wearing a banana suit. That’s nothing compared to some of these.

Punishment ideas are a spectrum, with some being pretty mild, and others being absolutely dreadful. For example, a Cleveland Browns tattoo claiming to be Super Bowl Champions.



(H/T Bleacher Report)