As thrilling as the Vikings' walk-off victory was for the team and their fans, it was equally disappointing and devastating for Saints fans and players.

As much as the players probably want to throw something off a balcony right now, they can't, but Saints fans can't and this New Orleans fan decided to toss his 65" television off of his balcony after the heartbreaking loss.

It's a new year and next year is a new season for the Saints, so why not get a new television to ring in the new year and eventual new season, right?

This fan not only tossed his TV off his balcony, but he also punched it before doing so and that probably wasn't the smartest move.

This fan wasn't the only angry Saints fan out there, though, so sit back, relax and enjoy laughing at the anger, especially if you're a New Orleans fan.



Aaaaand he’s dead @lacesoutshow

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Awful rude of Minnesota to do this to our friend New Orleans @oldrowsports

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Dame, how you so calm? 😂

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(H/T: @kyledet)