Some people think Russell Westbrook is the best in the game (and for fantasy basketball purposes, he is certainly up there), while others think he is washed up, overrated, or a ball hog. No matter how you feel about Westbrook’s game, there’s one thing that you can’t argue – his passion.

Westbrook plays the game harder than anyone, and he doesn’t take well to losing. With the Oklahoma City Thunder bolstering their starting lineup with the acquisitions of Carmelo Anthony and Paul George, there was a lot said about the team’s chances as a serious contender. Meanwhile, the Utah Jazz were expected to miss April basketball (let alone May) after Gordon Hayward, the team’s staple, packed his bags and headed to Beantown.

If you were given this matchup at the beginning of the year, most would pick Westbrook and every ounce of his attitude to be moving into the 2nd round, but superstar rookie Donovan Mitchell and his band of merry men had other ideas. The Jazz won Game 6 96-91 on Friday night, securing a 4-2 series victory over the Thunder. With Utah fans passionately cheering on their team, they may have gone a little too far with a fiery and understandably emotional Westbrook.


With the desired NBA Championship once again eluding Westbrook, fans went the exact route you thought they would – the Kevin Durant angle.


According to a couple Twitter users though, the fans didn’t say anything about Westbrook’s family as he stated they may have.

(H/T SportsCenter)