In recent years, YouTube has been graced with a new sensation from First We Feast called Hot Ones. The concept is simple, host Sean Evans conducts a sit-down interview with celebrities while they both eat wings with increasingly spicy hot sauces.

So… we made “Snot Ones”…

The concept is just as simple. Instead of spicy wings, we’re using smelling salts. Gotta make it about hockey, eh?



While we’re hoping to have some puck players join us for an episode in the near future, first we had to determine what the pecking order or smelling salts would be.

Enter Corwin and Eric.

These two smelling salt enthusiasts tried out 14 different smelling salts (for the sake of science, of course) and determined their order, from weakest to strongest. They filmed the whole thing for your viewing pleasure, so we hope you enjoy watching them cough, recoil, and deal with watery eyes as they make their through the various brands and… scents?




We’re big fans of smelling salts over here. In fact, we may have to implement smelling salts at the beginning of each shift in order to maximize productivity.

All in favour?