Halloween is on Tuesday, so there's still time for athletes everywhere to dress up and celebrate the occasion.

That said, we've already seen a ton of athletes celebrate Halloween early because of how crazy their schedules are.


At this point, though, we think it's safe to say nobody has enjoyed the scary season more than Ryan Reaves of the Pittsburgh Penguins.


Reaves scared the bejeezus out Kessel a few days ago with a terrifying mask and his reaction was just wonderful.

If you thought the prank couldn't get better, though, you would be mistaken because Sunday in Winnipeg, a fan dressed up in a similar mask and sat in the stands with this sign:

The Penguins don't play again until Wednesday, but everyone needs to where a similar mask to the game, similar to fans dressing up as Bears when Ilya Bryzgalov said he was afraid of them.


The only thing scarier than this fan and the sign was the final score in the Penguins and Jets game as Pittsburgh lost 7-1 and will look to rebound in Edmonton on Wednesday.

(H/T: @myregularface)