Although Aaron Judge plays MLB the Show 18 and is featured on the cover of the game, he claims that he never plays as himself in the PS4 title. If that's true, that's a shame, as he seems to be just as good at being digital Aaron Judge as he is at being the real Aaron Judge.

Thursday, Conan released a new episode of 'Clueless Gamer,' in which he and Judge took part in a head-to-head matchup of the Show. But before the pair actually played a real game, Conan had Judge play the role of a real judge, settling a small claims court case between two of his staff members.




Once again Conan showed that he's pretty terrible at video games, and still super mean to Aaron (his colleague, not the Yankees slugger). But, that's alright, though, as at the very least Conan showed us the entertaining potential of the show 'Judge Judge.'

In case you're in the mood for more Clueless Gamer, check out Conan's recent Assassin's Creed Origins session with NFL superstar Aaron Rodgers.