Sunday, Dwyane Wade was informed that Joaquin Oliver, a victim in the Majory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting, was buried in a Miami Heat jersey with his name on the back of it. Upon finding out about it, Wade issued an emotional response on Twitter, announcing that he would be dedicating his return and the rest of the Heat's season to Oliver.



Speaking with the press on Monday morning at the Heat's practice facility, Wade reiterated that he's always maintained the belief that his life is bigger than basketball, and that he feeels he has a responsibility to be a role model.

“I definitely always said my life has always been bigger than basketball. Playing here and being able to do some of the things I’ve done on the court, and I think off the court just as equally has helped that for sure. My mom always told me that my life was bigger than basketball. And I always carry that around by the way I try to treat people. I treat them the way that I want to be treated or the way I want my kids to be treated. I also understand the position that I’m in. God has given me this unbelievable opportunity to play at this level, and I understand what comes with that from a role model standpoint.” (- via Sun Sentinel)