Tyler Seguin and Jamie Benn have shared a lot of good times together, but still their best moment might have come from one of the first years they spent together in Dallas.

Cabbie has always been a bit of a prankster, so when these two first got to Dallas, he thought maybe they would want to help him pull of a Valentine’s Day prank on their mom. Seguin and Benn ended up calling their mom’s and telling them that they were going to propose to a girlfriend that didn’t actually exist. They go on a long call, explaining that they’ve quickly fallen head over heels in love with a girl and even though they haven’t met them, they want to propose.

It ends on a wholesome note, with their mom’s as their true Valentine on the big day.


Oh, and Cabbie helped their mothers get back at them the next year.


And then, of course, Seguin’s revenge on Cabbie.


Cabbie seems to be a pretty big fan of Valentine’s day, because over the years, he’s come out with a lot of great videos around that time.