Alright so we’re stuck at home, but there’s no real reason we have to make our isolation wasted-time-on-hold. We sports fans need distraction, so for that reason, I’ve got 5 games to get your mind off this troubled world for a little while and into some open, newer ones.

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Number 5 on my list is Red Dead Redemption 2. The makers of the Grand Theft Auto series definitely know what they’re doing with it comes to open world story building. Play poker and blackjack, or just get out ridin’ fences for the good of your crew. Please be aware this, like most Rockstar games, has a mature rating. The main story will give you a good 40 hours of gameplay alone if you want it. You’re also welcome to ride around and spend your time being a bounty hunter. The world is yours, cowboy. Do with it what you will.
*Best price available right now until April 29*    

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Number 4 belongs to Horizon Zero Dawn.
Tons of action in this open world, which happens to be inhabited by wild mechanized creatures for hunting, stealthily avoiding, or overriding to do your bidding for a short amount of time. The story is thoughtful and engaging, much like the charming protagonist, Aloy. This is well worth a playthrough. If you’re a completionist, you’ve got a solid 100 hours of enjoyment ahead of you.

You can find Horizon Zero Dawn listed as Playstation hit via your PS4, or right here.

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Number 3 on this list goes to the greatest Zelda game ever made: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (please fight me on this via twitter if you disagree). It’s well crafted with all the elements and joy of previous games,  placed in a completely open world. Each area of the map feels like a new world to explore. The only trouble is, even though BOTW came out a few years ago, it’s still going for a new release price at 79.99 CAD. If you’re cool to drop a little coin, don't wait! Before you know it, isolation times will be over and you’ll have missed out on magic.

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Number 2 belongs to the game getting many of us through isolation times already: Animal Crossing: New Horizons. This game proves there really is something for everyone. Tough to describe without making it sound like you’re just living a normal island-dweller life, with bells instead of dollars, anthropomorphic animals instead of humans for neighbours and a stock market consisting of buying and selling turnips at the right time and price. This is where having friends who play can come in handy, as you can visit each other’s island to buy and sell. There are so many little things that make this game great. If I haven’t successfully convinced you yet, I’ll drop this here: Nintendo has sold more copies of ACNH than any Mario or Zelda game. THE GAMES YOU FIRST THINK OF WHEN YOU THINK OF NINTENDO. Just play it and let me know if you’ve got a good price on turnips. I’ll make the trip to sell.

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Number one on this list goes to my personal favourite of all time: The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim.
If you want to truly feel like you’re living in a game, this has everything you’d want. Much like the real world, it’s filled with tasks, personalities, different races and creeds. Belong to one guild or many, be a powerful mage, a stealthy assassin, a skilled archer, a brawny fighter, or a hybrid of any of them. The side quests alone are entertaining enough to keep you distracted for hours. You can squeeze upwards of 1000 hours of gameplay here, each one of them enjoyable.
Skyrim has been ported to every system imaginable for a reason; it’s what the people want. Join us, dovahkiin.

Decent price for a download on xbox right here.