The Astros massive Game 2 win over the Dodgers in the World Series was a game to remember. Factor in all the theatrics, high-pressure moments and craziness from that game and you might just have one of the most remarkable examples of October baseball in the history.

If you happened to have a seat to watch the game live at Dodger Stadium, then you would’ve paid anywhere between $850 and $13,000 for a ticket, with the average coming in at $1,300.

One fan paid much less, and stumbled across a deal of his lifetime when he was able to pay an absurdly low price of $9.08 a ticket. Jordan Benedict purchased two tickets for a grand total of $18.16. Knowing the ticket prices were too good to be true, Benedict contacted the online ticket exchange company and was informed that his money would need to be refunded as the tickets had to be resold at market value. What happen next was pretty crazy.

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Good on Stub Hub for giving him a free pair of tickets after all. Benedict easily could’ve said nothing and gone to the game without notifying the company, or even sold them and made an extreme profit considering what tickets were going for.

Benedict spoke to Fox 11 Los Angeles about the lucky experience and mentioned that “the energy in the stadium was amazing.”

Even though he only had paid just under $18, he still had to fork up $121 for a parking pass at the ballpark.

Based off how the game transpired, you’d think most people would be willing to pay that, even though the Dodgers lost. 

(h/t For The Win)