Approaching summer league season and don’t have a uniform yet? Well, you just might be in luck.
It’s common for teams to rip logos from professional leagues, however, they’re typically taken from an organization of the same sport. An artist neglected the rules and decided to use one of baseball’s greatest logos for a set of hockey uniforms. The Milwaukee Brewers were chosen for this trio and you’ll likely agree they turned out to be pretty nice.
Other artists have also taken a shot at combining jerseys together from different sports. Just recently an individual used the Pittsburgh Steeler’s logo as a centerpiece for two other beautiful concept jerseys.
The CFL even released their own jersey for each of its nine teams, most of which turned out to look pretty snazzy.
If you’re not feeling the Brewers sweaters, or the other uniforms displayed, we think we have another one that just might do the trick.
(H/T r/Hockey)