I’ve heard a lotttttt of bad chirps in my 9 years playing beer league hockey. But this one? Hands down the worst.

My name’s Jesse Pollock, I’m 27, and I’m a duster. I live with it on a game to game basis and although it has its perks (I get to wear some pretty fun equipment on the ice), it also has its cons. Look, I get it. Chirping happens, and I love being on the receiving end of it (for the most part), but some of them are so cringe that I just don’t know how to respond.

In comes this one dude, who absolutely laid the hammer on me in the worst way possible.

It all happened around this time last year. Opposing teams haven’t been the most… receptive to the ideas for some of our Going BarDown Down videos, but you know what? Not an excuse for this one. As we were filming our team cheering for our opponent (yes, you read that right), someone told me the unthinkable…

That I’m a “Sh*t vlogger.” The audio isn’t actually included in the video but here it is anyway:


You just can’t make this stuff up, folks. First of all- I don’t even vlog. I’m just in YouTube videos. Second- I might have the worst style in the history of the game. Some would argue worst than Arturs Irbe’s, and that’s what you throw at me? Definitely deserves some creativity points but what a bloody squid.

I’ve definitely been called more inappropriate names in my day but that one was the worst. As for the best chirp I've seen? Well, the fellas down south got me pretty good once upon a time,


What’s the worst chirp you’ve had thrown at you on the ice?