Basketball got weird on Saturday night, when a fracas between the Houston Rockets and Los Angeles Lakers led the world to question whether or not Rajon Rondo spat on Chris Paul.

The internet got investigative with this one, diving into each and every replay angle to analyze the alleged spit, determine whether or not it could’ve been sweat or even a second spitter, and so on.

Even the Houston Rockets got in on the action, submitting an incredible slow-motion, quadruple-zoom video that supposedly shows Rondo spitting on Paul.

The NBA decided to issue a three-game suspension to Rondo and a two-game suspension to Paul (as well as four games for Brandon Ingram), so we guess the video did its job. It looks like Rondo spits on Paul, although we won’t claim to be sure about it, but more importantly, Rondo landed a punch square in Paul’s face, so props to a good NBA fight.



The fight between the Rockets and Lakers on Saturday leads to suspensions for three players 😮

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This whole ordeal has seen a lot of debate and painstaking video analysis over its first 24 hours of existence, but in an unexpected plot twist, it turns out family members of Rondo and Paul even got involved. If there’s one thing the NBA knows, it’s how to serve up weird.

h/t Twitter/Rachel__Nichols