The Nashville Predators aren’t the butt of a lot of jokes. 

They’re an unbelievably talented team, with a very passionate fanbase to match.

Early this hockey season, though, they opened themselves up to a whole lot of trolls and a whole lot of criticism when they raised a pretty controversial banner at their home opener.  



Yup. Regular Season Western Conference Champions. They really did that.

Since the, they have probably realized this was a little cringe-worthy, and are dealing with it in the best way possible. By fully embracing it.

The Preds’ official Twitter account took to the internet to troll all of their many critics who were quick to jump on their unorthodox banner, and it has us in absolute stitches.



Honestly, the best way to deal with haters is to embrace them fully, and the Predators did exactly that. We’re definitely here for this sort of energy, but we have to admit, their initial trolls were pretty funny.





Either way, the Predators have us thinking about raising banners to help us feel better about our day-to-day lives. It could be pretty rewarding.


(H/T: @PredsNHL