Nearly every team in the NHL currently has a mascot (except you, Rangers), but some teams BASICALLY support more than one mascot. While the Vancouver Canucks always have their trusty Fin to cheer them on, they’ve also got a group of spandex-clad, alien-looking fans that are just as noticeable as the huge whale.

They go by the Green Men, and they absolutely terrorize opposing players sitting in the penalty box.

Now, with no fans allowed in the hub bubbles located in Toronto and Edmonton, the Green Men appear to be searching for special exemption. Noticing that “their seats are empty” (even though it’s actually a completely different arena than the home of the Canucks), the Green Men elude to quarantining for 14 days, presumably to occupy those empty seats.

In fairness, there may be no fans more safe to have in attendance that ones that literally wear full body costumes that cover every inch of skin from head to toe. Even given their seemingly COVID appropriate attire, we’re guessing this request may go unheard by a league still playing with a big, desireable goose egg of positive cases.



(H/T Twitter/The Green Men)