John Tavares’ return to Long Island probably didn’t go quite as he’d hoped it would, although he seemed to expect the rough reception from the fans.
While there was surely a lot of nonsense thrown around during the game, there were some more creative fans as well. The whole snake thing is pretty washed and the Tr91tor thing doesn’t even look like it says traitor (Since when did nines look like an A?), but alongside some creative chants, we still had a chuckle over a couple of the signs and jerseys.
Here were the best 11 we saw (Plus a plush doll and costume):
Who doesn't love a good Maury reference
Definitely a waste of money, but we like the Friday reference.
This is probably the best sign.
The only acceptable snake reference would have been if he put an S instead of the L.
Long-time fans.
A little late on this meme, but at least some effort was put in.
At least you know he's not a fake fan, plus he's getting his money's worth for the jersey now.
Not a jersey, but when a grown man rocks a pacifier to the game, you put him in the list.
At least he put some effort in with the money eyes.
Turning the Islanders' slogan against Tavares.
Voodoo dolls are creepy but effective.
If we had to choose a favourite, we’re always suckers for a good Maury joke, so that one is near the top for sure. The Bye-Felecia reference to the movie “Friday” isn’t a bad one either.
Overall, the person that might have put the most effort into chirping Tavares though was the guy that somehow got in a position to yell at him while he was doing his post-game interview.