Superstition is more alive in the world of sports than any other facet of life. Lucky underwear, game day routines, when it comes to “good luck”, sports fans will do just about anything to get it. Sometimes, the bad luck is impossible to avoid.

That’s why fans are loving this “Black Cat Curse” that seems to have fallen on the NFL.

While the curse doesn’t actually affect the teams that were playing when the famous Monday Night Football cat made itself known to the world, there is a strange correlation that one Reddit user figured out. Ever since the cat sighting during the Dallas Cowboys vs. New York Giants game, all teams that are based after the cat family have gone a combined 0-12.


To some, this may mean nothing at all. To others, it’s not a coincidence.

Whether or not you’re a sports fan that believes in this kind of thing, it’s definitely a bizarre stat regardless.

Could it… could it be?