If you're a wrestling fan, you might not be familiar with the name 'Soul Train Jones', but chances are you've probably heard of Virgil. Fun fact, Soul Train and Virgil are actually one in the same.

Before joining the biggest wrestling company in the world, Virgil wrestled under the name Soul Train Jones in a promotion in Memphis. Now, the 57-year-old is back in the ring under that original name and he's bringing the "meat-sauce" to wrestling's hottest promotion.

Last Wednesday on AEW Dynamite, Soul Train was the official MC for Chris Jericho's Thanksgiving Thank You celebration and he didn't disappoint.  After the appearance, we were able to catch up with Jones and ask him about a variety of thing, from the celebration to his future in AEW.

Luca Celebre: How did you become the official MC for the Thanksgiving Thank You Celebration?

Soul Train Jones: It was real simple...I was sitting in my favourite Olive Garden in Pittsburgh and the maître D brought me a phone looking like the bat phone.  I am The only person that uses it there. Since he knew never to bother me during mains he waited after I cranked out 400 breadsticks to let my pastas from around the world marinate. Chris Jericho and I have our daily mentoring talks and he laid it on me.  He said “Soul Train, the world needs a little inspiration right now.  Would you mind healing the world with your meat saucery and kick off AEW Dynamite”. Since I have been training Chris since he was 12 years old it only made sense that I was the guy for the job.

LC: How does the official Little Bit of the Bubbly taste?

ST: To common folk like you I’m sure it is something that you would just obsess over. For me, the bubbly is a way of life. I use it for my aperitif so the 99 gallons of meat sauce I have daily to chugga Soul Train's engine.  It’s like the synthetic oil needed for my soul. 

LC: What was the most enjoyable part of the celebration for you?

ST: Being with my Inner Circle. We all just get each other. We are a brotherhood. When we are together I feel like we are the cast of Golden Girls. A true group that has lasted a lifetime of love and respect. I would do anything for them. They would do anything for me. I love my Inner Circle.

LC: Unfortunately, you were attacked by SCU at the end of the celebration, how will you respond to them if at all?

ST: SCU? You mean Sh***y Cuisine University? They have no place ruining Thanksgiving for the world. What kind of barbaric people try to make Thanksgiving about themselves and steal our spot? Scorpio Sky aka Le B**ch. I’m gonna put my foot in his a**. Frankie your messin' with the wrong train. Chris Daniels, I trained you dude. I gave you your name, the 'Fallen Angel' due to you dropping a plate of angel hair pasta and me saving it which made you praise me and then I called you the fallen angel. Payback is coming. 

LC: What's next for Soul Train on AEW and outside of AEW?

ST: Tony and I are Gonna talk about what’s best for the company. My train is working on many of things. My team of advisors are all working on a few great projects. Video games, merchandise, toys. Soul Train Jones is bringing sexy back and making it rain meat sauce all over the world to feed the people!