Whenever your stick breaks or your drop your stick and don't get a chance to pick it up during play, your natural instinct is to get off the ice, get a stick from a teammate and get as far away from the puck as possible so you don't have to attempt to play it.

The worst thing in that situation is getting close to the puck because attempting to play soccer on skates without a stick is extremely difficult and it can lead to embarrassing results.

In a recent SHL (Swedish Hockey League) game, for example, former NHL draft pick Johan Ryno lost his stick and it's hard not to laugh at what happened next.


It's hard to even imagine what was going through Johan's head when he decided to go after the puck and basically take it away from his teammate with a stick who was right beside him, but you have to give him props for following through on the play.

Johan's soccer skills failed him, though, and led to a goal, along with predictable reactions.

(H/T: /r/hockey)