Sarah Fuller was already an established athlete before the whole sports world knew her name.

The three-time SEC Champion from Wylie, Texas, is the goalkeeper for Vanderbilt University’s soccer team.



Fresh off the team’s most recent Championship, Fuller arrived back in Nashville to news that the school’s football team was short players as a result of COVID-19 protocols and students going home for the Thanksgiving holidays.

As a result of this shortage, Vandy football coach Derek Mason reached out to the school’s soccer team. Enter, Sarah Fuller, who is known for her cannon of a kick.

The news that Sarah had been added to the football roster broke yesterday, and fans all waited anxiously to see if she’d have the chance to kick one home during the game.




While she’s yet to have the chance to kick a field goal or an extra point, Fuller did have the opportunity to kick off the second half with this squib kick.

The scene will give you chills.



Following the game, Fuller had some inspiring messages for young girls everywhere.




The outpouring of support and encouragement for Fuller has been widespread, and many have since shared messages of support, and stories of how Sarah has inspired them.






This was a historic fist for women in sports, and we hope it’s only the beginning.


(H/T: Twitter)