Rick Nash might have rocketed to the top of the of several teams’ trade deadline targets earlier in the week when it was revealed that the Rangers asked him to submit his no-trade list.
On his list were 18 teams that the team cannot trade him to, which meant there are 12 other teams that are still options.
That’s a tough thing to do, choose 12 places across North American that you’re willing to pick up your life and move to. Of course, it would be easier for these players than most people, but it’s still a difficult decision, especially when he’s living in New York and enjoying himself there. We’ve seen players make choices based on conference, geography, familiarity or even history, but Nash only seemed to have one thing on his mind.
He told this to Steve Zipay of Newsday:
“My one goal is to win a Cup with the Rangers and have a successful season for the Rangers, so it’s unfortunate – the business side of it – and when you’re asked to make a list, you think of the teams that have the best chance [to win a Cup].”
Now, you can probably assume that the twelve teams that he’s referencing are in the playoffs. If you wanted to go even narrower, you could look at the 12 teams that are top 3 in their divisions at the current time.
It’s more than likely not his list, but there’s no doubt that when people think about Stanley Cup contenders, most of them fit within this group.