People around the world are still trying to wrap their head around the tragic news about Mac Miller.

The 26-year-old Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania native died of an apparent drug overdose on Friday and heartfelt messages from fans around the world took over social media moments after the news surfaced. It’s been nearly 24 hours since the news broke and fans are still showing love for the late rapper on social media, including the Pittsburgh Penguins.

From his music videos to his tattoos to his wardrobe, Miller always repped Pittsburgh whenever possible. Penguins fans responded to the team’s Twitter post and they all seemed to be on board with the team changing their goal song to Miller’s ‘Party on Fifth Ave’ from his 2011 release ‘Blue Slide Park’.

There’s no word as to whether or not the team will actually change their goal song for the upcoming season, but hopefully they think about making the change based on the reactions from the fans.

The Pirates and the Steelers also shared posts about the late Pittsburgh rapper. 

(H/T Twitter/penguins)