Many of us enjoy bowling casually with friends or on a date, but professional bowling is no leisurely game. When people think of professional bowling they most likely think of one of the most iconic lines every uttered by an athlete ever before. "Who do you think you are, I am".

8 words that defined the career of one Pete Weber who has been bowling since he can remember. Well the legendary bowler has announced his retirement today and he bowled his last frame on the Professional Bowlers Association (PBA) National Tour. He announced it on his Facebook before he took the floor today.

Weber lost his opening matchup which left him emotional bowling the final frame of his career.

Weber is one the most decorated bowlers in history with over 100 PBA titles including 10 major championships. The guy is a legend. He also gave a retirement speech after his final frame to the few in attendance due to COVID-19.

Finally, Weber left us all with a bang dropping his iconic line with a little NSFW flair added to it.

Thanks for iconic moment Pete.

(H/T FloBowling)