Welcoming a baby to the world is one of the most wholesome, special moments imaginable in one’s life. Seeing your child and holding them for the first time is a feeling you will never, ever forget.

On the flip side, losing a baby is one of the most tragic feelings imaginable.

For Evander Kane, you could feel the pain when he announced over Twitter that him and his wife Anna had lost their daughter, Eva, at 26 weeks. Sharing a message of gratitude for all those that had reached out to him, Kane revealed the tragic news to an outpouring of support from his followers.

“Words cannot express how excited we were to welcome our baby girl into the world and watch her grow,” Kane wrote. “Eva, you have been the absolute biggest blessing of our lives and we are so grateful for all the joy you brought us in such a short amount of time.

"You gave us all, especially your mom and I, something to be incredibly excited about. And though we are devaststaed that you couldn’t stay with us longer, your mom and I will always cherish the time we had with your beautiful soul. Your spirit will give us strength, your love will give us comfort. We will love you forever.”


While the loss of Eva still holds tremendous weight, it makes Thursday’s announcement extra special. Attached to a picture of Kane holding the baby alongside Anna, he sent out an attached announcement of Kensington Kane.

“My wife and I are proud to announce the birth of our beautiful baby girl Kensington Ava Kane. Although it has been a tough journey for our family we’re thrilled to have added Kensington to our family. My wife Anna is a rockstar, the strength and love she has displayed over the last 18 months is unmatched. We want to thank everyone who has reached out during this period in support of our family and appreciate the kind messages we’ve received throughout this journey. I’m so proud of my daughter, it’s tough to put into words how much she means to me. To my family, friends, the Sharks organization and fansm I want to thank you again for the overwhelming love. This has truly humbled me. 07/03/2020 is a day I will never forget.”


2020 isn’t all bad, folks.

(via Evander Kane)