There is a lot about Steven Adams that gives him a unique look and feel on the court. His long, tied back hair and prominent tattoos give him the look, his reputation as one of the strongest players in the league gives him the feel, and his heritage – a native of New Zealand – gives him the sound.

Adams, and his unique presence, have had a busy few days. Not only was he named one of the six finalists for the NBA Sportsmanship Award, but he’s been mixing that in with playoff basketball. It’s not surprising that he may be a little short fused amidst all the business.

When a reporter started asking Adams a new question before he had finished the last one, Adams took the interruption in stride and clap backed the reporter with a little Kiwi twang.

β€œYou alright, mate?”

In New Zealand, Australia, and a few countries in the UK, β€œyou alright, mate?” is used to ask β€œwhat’s up?” While those aren’t necessarily fighting words, they can also translate roughly to β€œdo we have a problem?”

Follow that up with a blunt β€œOld Mate, aye?” and you’ve officially got Adams politely putting the reporter in his place in the most Kiwi way possible.

(H/T Nate Feken, Oklahoma’s News)