Sometimes people get ahead of themselves on social media, and we’re not here to throw stones because it happens to everyone.
Still, a lot was made out of a short clip from yesterday’s Cubs game and now it appears as though a lot of the anger may have been misguided. If you haven’t seen the clip, there was a gentleman that grabbed a baseball from under a seat after it was tossed into the crowd by a player. Fans felt as though the man should have given the ball to the kid and immediately jumped on him.
As you can see, in that last photo, the kid has two baseballs, one clearly game-used and one that was given to him after the game and signed by Javier Baez. The ball from the actual game though, apparently came from the man that everybody was ripping on.
According to several other reports on social media, the man helped the child in question and others to get balls before he ever took one for himself.