Mitch Marner has been a popular player since the day he was drafted, so a lot of Leafs fans were worried when Darren Ferris, Marner’s agent, was quoted saying that the Leafs tried to lowball him.
From Dave Feschuk’s article in the Toronto Star, Ferris was quoted as saying “So far, they’ve been trying to lowball [Marner]… That’s the reason we’ve come to this point.” That sent many Leafs fan into a panic, but Ferris was on TSN 1050’s First Up this morning, and he offered up a lot more positive news for Leafs fans.
First off, when read his own quotes in the Star, he claimed that those quotes were dated.
“That was from the summer, that was from prior to the season start… The Discussions have been positive. The Dialogue has been positive. We’re not far off. We last ended on a positive note.”
Since this claim, Dave Feschuk says that Ferris misspoke on the radio and that the comments weren’t from the summer, but he was instead referring to events in the summer.
You can click here to listen to the full interview.
Ferris went on to explain that he understands that negotiations always start this way and that he has no doubt that “Mitch is going to be a Leaf for a long time”. Still, the question remains about whether or not Mitch Marner feels underappreciated in Toronto and to that, Ferris’ first response says a lot.
“I guess time will tell, right?”
This makes sense when combined with Bob McKenzie’s report that Marner feels as though he is worth just as much as Matthews, because whether or not he feels underappreciated will fully depend on what dollar amount his contract ends up at when this is all said and done.