Toronto Maple Leafs legend Mats Sundin proved over the weekend that he’s still got it.

The 48-year-old led a group of former players against his old Swedish pal Nicklas Lidstrom in the Hall of Fame Legends game on Sunday and it all came down to the wire. After exchanging goals all game, Team Lidstrom ultimately came out on top with an 8-7 shootout win. Sundin’s squad may have lost but let us tell you… he undoubtedly had the highlight of the game.

We’ve seen some shootout attempts and then, there’s this. Watch as the Hall of Famer kicked his stick into the puck and managed to put home a surprisingly hard shot. This one must’ve taken some practice…


May as well make things interesting right?!?!?!?!

Wait… We’ve seen this before… by a fellow former Leaf Paul Ranger!


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Okay, it was a preseason game but still, pretty cool.

The Hall of Fame hosted their main event on Monday night, as Guy Carbonneau, Vaclav Nedomansky, Hayley Wickenheiser, Sergei Zubov, Jim Rutherford and Jerry York were all officially inducted. Wickenheiser became just the seventh woman to earn her spot into the Hall.


These games are just for jokes but jeez, Sundin’s still a stud.

(H/T Gregorium19)