I love video games.  I have since I was a kid and my earliest gaming memories were made by the N64.  From Pokemon Stadium to Mario Kart, little Luca had endless hours of fun (and still does) playing those classic titles that still get played today and are even carried on in some cases/

One of those cases is Mario Golf.

Mario might be better known for standalone titles such as Super Mario 64, but he and our other favourite characters have been in so many incredible sports games such as Mario Golf, Mario Tennis, and Mario Super Sluggers to name a few.

Ever since the release of the Switch, we've seen new installments in some of those classic series, and Mario Golf: Super Rush is the latest in the Mario Golf franchise (and the newest since 2014).

Everything I Love (There's A Lot To Love!)

Look, I've never reviewed video games before, but I feel like I have a pretty good idea of not only what I think makes a great game, but what other people might enjoy in a game.  No matter what golf franchise you're playing, whether it's Tiger Woods, Hot Shots Golf, or Mario Golf, the basic gameplay principles are the same.

There's a power meter and a timing aspect to all golf games, and while they may differ ever so slightly from franchise to franchise, they are all easy enough to master quickly, even if you've never played a golf game before.

While more comparable to the Hot Shots Golf franchise in mechanics, Mario Golf: Super Rush has more of an arcade-feel thanks to a couple of new game modes, Speed Golf and Battle Golf. 

That said, at its core, playing 18 holes by yourself or with friends is incredibly satisfying and not as arcade-esque as its predecessor.  Sure, every course has its gimmicks and obstacles.  Wildweather Woods, for example, has areas of the fairways and greens covered by thunder clouds that affect your shot if you land in those spots.  Each character also has a special shot that goes farther in distance and affects your opponent's ball if it lands in the same vacanity.

Aside from those aspects players have to be mindful of, it's the same golf game we know and love.  There's wind and spin that can make or break a shot.  There are trees you have to either curve around or lay up and play it safe instead.  And honestly, it's golf at its purest and most enjoyable form.  I've spent hours just playing 18 by myself, against my girlfriend, or online and it doesn't get old.

Every course is fun and unique.  The graphics are breathtaking.  The music is exceptional, and best of all, a full round doesn't last long enough that it gets tiring like it might playing an actual 18, but it's not so short that you're left wanting more.  Plus, you can increase the difficulty by adjusting the wind settings and moving the tees back, so if you find the gameplay too easy, there's an easy fix to make it more challenging.

Now, let's talk about those new game modes because Speed Golf is literally the selling point of a game called Mario Golf: Super Rush.  In classic Mario fashion, Speed Golf turns a round into golf times Mario Kart, except it's running instead of driving.

For those that don't know, how Speed Golf works is rather than magically appearing in front of your ball after you shoot, you have to run to your ball and then shoot your next shot until you get the ball in the hole.  The goal is obviously to get the ball in the cup first, but you are also rewarded for making good shots under the pressure of time because each shot you take adds 30 seconds to your total for the hole.

Getting to your ball is just as fun as shooting because you can use your special to hinder opponents and collect hearts and coins to regain stamina.  All-in-all, it's a chaotic experience in the best way possible.  There's so much pressure in every shot and putt, but it's a fun type of pressure that fuels you to be at your best.  Thanks to Nintendo Canada, I was lucky enough to experience the fun that is Speed Golf for the first time with Canadian legend and Masters winner Mike Weir.

Playing against Weir was a blast and after the 3-hole Speed Golf round, I had the chance to ask him a couple of questions about the game!

Luca Celebre: What character's style of play most resembles your real life golf game?

Mike Weir: My daughter and I play and I always play as Luigi, so I'm going to have to try some of the different characters, but I thought Luigi had a nice balance in his game.  Power, some speed, he's not the fastest, kind of like me.  He tries to plot along and play a smart game so he's probably as close as there is.

LC: What aspect of the Speed Golf mode do you think is the most pressure-packed for you?  Is it the running to the ball, is it the putting really quickly and not lining it up?

MW: I would agree, I think you're right Luca.  I think running to the ball and trying to find some energy, trying to find a heart or something to get a little more energy so I can use that speed.  You feel a little bit frantic trying to catch up when you see the other players passing you.  I feel pretty good around the greens.  Once I get settled, I feel pretty good, but I think it's that running to get there in the Speed Golf aspect.

Speed Golf and Battle Golf provide variety for those looking for more than just 18 holes.  And with so many different characters to try, no round of Speed Golf or Battle Golf is the same.  Plus, with the ability to play online and adventure mode with your created character, this new chapter in the Mario Golf franchise is replayable and fun in a variety of ways.  There are, however, a couple of things that would make the game better in those regards!

The Needs Improvement

There are only a few things I'd like to see incorporated or added to the game to make it a more fulfilling and truly re-playable experience in every sense of the word.

Let's start with the courses.  There are only 6 of them and they are unlocked simply by playing the first two courses available to you in full.

I have no problems with the courses themselves.  In fact, they are one of my favourite parts about the experience of playing the game.  Each course is stunning and unique, from the music, to the terrain, to the creatures like Pokey and Magmaargh.  Navigating the different environments and discovering the surprises hidden within each course brought back childhood Mario memories for me.

One of my favourite holes to play is No. 6 on Bowser Highlands, better known as the par 3 shaped like the Bowser symbol.  That course specifically is a dream, the castle walls and bowser statue, the lava and Whomps, it's all nostalgic and phenomenal.

So, my only gripe is there aren't more courses, at least not yet.  Yes, it looks like we'll be getting more courses in the future through (hopefully) free to download DLCs, but I wonder if there was an opportunity missed to have a create-a-course mode similar to PGA Tour 2K21, especially considering the success and popularity of Super Mario Maker 2.  Having that feature, or a collection of 10 courses to start, would be ideal in my opinion, but it's definitely not a dealbreaker especially considering more courses will be added in the future.

Another addition I would love to see going forward is something similar to the Hot Shots Golf formula of unlocking characters, courses, clubs, balls, and outfits.  In that franchise, challenge mode is the single player mode that allows you to unlock every character by having to beat each one AFTER you win enough tournaments.  Winning tournaments also unlocks courses, outfits, and club sets, and the difficulty increases with each character you have to face next.
Something like that in the Mario Golf world would be a welcomed addition, but again, not a dealbreaker!

Overall Rating

There are some elite Mario sports games that have come out over the years and Mario Golf: Super Rush is right up there.  It's a ton of fun and while it's easy to play as far as the actual gameplay goes, the courses and different game modes provide unique challenges and difficulties.  Arcade golf games have always ranked highly in my mind when I think of my favourite video games of all-time.  I'll always be on the Hot Shots Golf hill and now, I'll always be on the Mario Golf: Super Rush hill.  It's an 8.5 out of 10 for me!