In terms of a head coaching hire, Dan Campbell joined the Detroit Lions as a relative unknown. Sure, he isn’t a total mystery man, but the former New Orleans Saints assistant and NFL tight end didn’t have much of a track record.

And oh boy, did he ever arrive on the scene like a wrecking ball.

Campbell’s first press conference after being named head coach didn’t go how anyone expected it to. An impassioned Campbell talked about kicking opponents in the teeth, biting their kneecap off, biting their other knee cap off… you know what, just watch it.



So now we have an idea of what to expect out of Dan Campbell: Football Guy. His press conferences have become a point of amusement for NFL media and fans alike, and he treated members of the media to another gem while speaking about his morning routine.



The equivalent of 10 ENERGY DRINKS every single day! Honestly… his press conferences are actually starting to make a little more sense knowing that.

That’s not the only amusing message he conveyed today, either. Speaking on a fight that broke out between Amon-Ra St. Brown and Ifeatu Melifonwu, Campbell didn’t seem upset at all. In fact, he was pretty fired up about it.



via Lionswire:

“Yeah, I mean, I was fired up,” Campbell said in Wednesday’s pre-practice media session. “Because they were competing, man. It was good to see both of them, two young bucks, go after it. They were, uh — look, we had a pretty good idea of Amon-Ra, you know? The Sun God? What he’s capable of? His aggressiveness shows up — it would show up on tape — in college. Look, this guy will mix it up. And there’s things you see with Iffy in school, but I didn’t quite know (about his aggression level). And to know he’s got, ‘Hey man, I’m not your punching bag,’ that encouraged me, it really did.”


Regardless of where the Lions finish in the standings, you can bet at least one element of the team will remain entertaining.

(H/T Lionswire)