Kevin Durant has been called a lot of names and has been the butt of many jokes on the Internet for choosing to sign with the Golden State Warriors and for having his burner account exposed, but many people tend to forget that at the end of the day he’s still a human being like the rest of us.

The two-time NBA Finals MVP was on a recent episode of ESPN’s “The Boardroom” and was asked by Jay Williams to break down his burner account and he had no problem explaining why he had one to begin with.

At first Durant seemed like he wasn’t expecting the question about his burner account as he responded with a quick chuckle, but went on to explain that the main purpose of it all was for him to speak to his friends without having his words mixed up.

“I wasn’t used to that amount of attention, you know, from playing basketball. I wanted a place where I can talk to my friends without anybody just butting in my conversations or mixing my words or taking everything out of context because I enjoyed that place.

… I had an Instagram account that I just use for my friends and family. Like, it’s a cool place for me just to be me instead of worrying about Bleacher Report or Barstool mixing up anything I want to say.”

The 10-time NBA All-Star would probably still be running loose on his burner account right now if it weren’t for that one time he forgot to switch accounts before responding to a fan’s question tweeted directly to KD’s account.

NBA fans, and some players, will most likely never let KD live down the whole burner account fiasco, but at least he hasn’t let it get to him on the basketball court.

(H/T Twitter/SportsCenter)