The NBA “bubble” is the story on the tip of everyone’s tongue right now as we try to further understand what this extremely unique NBA Playoffs will be like. Will the bubble affect player’s competitive mentalities?

It’s impossible not to weigh the negatives. Players won’t be around their families or partners, and other than their teammates they’re leaving all their friends behind too.

It may prove to be harder for some than others. For example, it seems like Boston Celtics guard Kemba Walker is in line for having NOOOOOO problem at all!




Kemba is not concerned about the bubble life in Orlando :joy:

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While some of you readers are likely on the other side of the fence, with a family or partner that you reluctantly imagine leaving for an extended period of time, most people can likely relate to Kemba if they think back to a certain time in their life.

Video games, Netflix, reading books… there’s a lot to do when you’re used to being by yourself!

While we know that just about everyone wishes this wasn’t the scenario that the NBA finds themselves in, it’s good to know that some are at least finding the silver lining. You eat that whole plate of food, Kemba! No one to share with!

(H/T Jared Weiss)