Jeremy Lin isn’t in the NBA anymore, but it wasn’t that long ago that “Linsanity” took over the league. While Lin quickly ascended into a household name amongst basketball fans, the craze around North America didn’t even come close to comparing to what was happening in Asia.

Lin – who is of Taiwanese descent – became a hero in Asia. Linsanity is thought to have single-handedly increased basketball viewing by 39% in China alone, and there was a ripple effect through other countries as well.

Lin is now in a much different place than the Linsanity of the 2011-12 season, but he’s still got a hefty platform. In recent weeks, Lin has used his platform to raise awareness around Asian hate.

On Thursday, in partnership with Bleacher Report, Lin shared a powerful message bringing the Asian hate – which is often swept under the rug – right into the spotlight.

WARNING: Some of the content in this video may be difficult to watch.

Asian hate has grown rapidly as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, and it’s an important issue to confront head on. Nobody should be treated as an imposter, and it’s time to get uncomfortable about it.

(H/T Bleacher Report)