As hockey fans, we always enjoy discovering other athletes who are big fans of the sport, like Charles Barkley, for example.



Charles #Barkley has been a big fan of the #StanleyCup Playoffs for many years.

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Barkley was very outspoken about how much more he enjoyed the NHL playoffs last year as opposed to the NBA postseason and he's just one of many big names in the basketball world that enjoy hockey.

If you follow LeBron James on Instagram, chances are you saw his story when he was at the Garfield Heights basketball game with a couple of his teammates.

All the hockey fans out there instantly noticed J.R. Smith was one of the teammates at the game with LeBron because of what he wore to the game.

You're not seeing things, that's Smith wearing a Jonathan Toews jersey, but he's actually not a Blackhawks fan, he's a Devils fan.

Smith was born in New Jersey, so the choice makes sense, but he's also right about Toews game.  It's hard not to love watching a guy that does it all on the ice for his team each and every night.

J.R. has a good team to cheer for, though, in the Devils as they're sitting in first place in the Metropolitan Division entering play Thursday night.

(H/T: J.R. Smith)