Whether you know BarDown best through our quizzes, or our Instagram page, or the articles on this site, you’ve probably gotten pretty familiar with some of the gang by now.

For example, if we asked you who on our staff was most likely to get into a fight and run away, then there’s a pretty good chance that you’d answer with Corwin. (It would be the right answer.)

Well, if you’ve ever been curious about just who runs things around here, we figured that it’s about time to get the full BarDown Squad together on our site — everyone in front and behind of the camera.

Today we’re introducing our spiffy new staff page, also listed under the ‘TEAM’ tab at the top of this page. Give it a look!

And, if you ever come across any of us in person, don’t hesitate to say hello. We aren’t all a bunch of squids.