If you were new to the game of hockey and happened to attend the Nashville Predators home opener, you may think that they won the Stanley Cup. That is, until you took a look at what each of their three banners raised to the rafters actually said.


1. “Central Division Champions”

2. “Presidents’ Trophy”

3. “Regular Season Western Conference Champions”


Yup, one of them even says regular season on it. There are a few problems with this particular banner raising, including that winning the Presidents’ Trophy automatically guarentees that you are also Central Division Champs, and Western Conference Champs. A little redundant, don’t you think, Smashville?

Maybe they were just trying to fill up space in the rafters. But the other problem people had is that it sort of detracts from the ideology winning the Stanley Cup isn’t everything – an idea that lots of teams would consider taboo.

As with everything controversial or cringe worthy, the internet had a day. On Tuesday, a video emerged of a fan, Jillian Fisher, making a personalized banner for each team.


Even though almost all teams were made fun of in the video, hockey fans still loved it. Luckily for Nashville, they achieved the most prestigious banner of all. A banner they’ve been striving for all along. “Best banners”.


(H/T Twitter/Jillian Fisher)