Ice is a surface where beautiful things happen. The graceful game of hockey, and all the elegance of ice dancing and figure skating, would not be possible without every Canadian’s most familiar landscape. Ice allows one to glide, to carve, and to put on a show. However you won’t find anyone that appreciates the ice without understanding how unforgiving it can be as well.

To give you an example, here is the difference between prestige and pain.



Does this bahd think he’s a figure skater, errrrrrr? #JayAndDan

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The hard-hitting reality of falling on ice is what makes this long-jump style rink hop all the more impressive (…or some would say stupid). After building up as much speed as possible, the skater clears a snowbank that looks to be about 10 feet wide. All the while not wearing any sort of protective gear, not even a helmet (…okay, most would say stupid at this point.)



Tag a friend that would absolutely not make this jump... . (via @vinny_herls)

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Would you dare make the leap? Maybe if you were wrapped in bubble wrap and had a pit of Styrofoam to land in instead of frozen water.

(H/T Vince Herlihey)