Before going on the ice, every hockey player makes sure he or she has all their equipment on properly, but more importantly has their skate guards off their skates.

If you fail to take your skate guards off before going on the ice, hilarity usually ensues and this lesson is one that most hockey players have learned the hard way.


It doesn't matter if you're in the NHL or just starting out because as you can see, stepping on the ice with skate guards on can happen to anyone, and every single time it's hilarious to watch.

With that in mind on this Monday, we figured why not entertain the masses by sharing a video of a hockey player taking the ice with his skate guards on and flopping around trying to get up before giving up.



Classic tape on the skates

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The initial fall was funny enough, but the player gave his best attempt to get up a couple of times and ultimately failed.  We bet that after seeing himself fall over and over again on social media, this player will never, ever forget to take his skate guards off again.

(H/T: Spittin' Chiclets)