P.K. Subban is a hard guy to dislike. Well, at least, we think so. Apparently there are a lot of people that don’t appreciate his out-there personality, his unique sense of fashion, or his general goofiness.

Some fans want more personality in hockey, some fans just like old time hockey. No matter how you feel about P.K., or his siblings for that matter, it’s hard not to find his enthusiastic mother a treat to watch.




Ladies and gentlemen, Maria Subban 😂#repost @bardown . (🎥:Twitter/NHLonNBC)

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Part of the reason why it’s so endearing is because we all know hockey moms like her. They’ll hoot and holler and make a big fuss, but all they want it to see their kid happy. How can you not find that token motherly instinct heart-warming?

Besides, she’s dropping the best chirps in the game.



(H/T NHL on NBC)