Video games are at the point now where you can almost mistake them for the real thing, but if there’s something that will never change about video games it’s the glitches - especially in sports games.
Sure, they can come at the worst possible time and cost you a win, but mostly they just leave you in disbelief and provide you with a good laugh.
Twitter user @NicolasCamz_ shared a clip of a glitch that happened during a game in FIFA 21 and it’s honestly one of the best ones we’ve seen this year.
The back-to-back saves made for a MASSIVE rebound as the ball soared over all the players, going the length of the field and ending up in the opponent’s net to extend the lead. It’s too bad for us another recent glitch didn’t kick in at the same time.
Madden games do well every year, regardless of the updates, but they also provide us with some of the most hilarious glitches on a year to year basis.
EA’s NHL series is another classic series and an all-timer, but, like Madden, it also provides us with some of the best glitches in all of the sports video games.
If you’ve recorded a great glitch during one of your games we’d love to see it!