Gritty is the most recent mascot to enter the NHL, but he’s likely made the most lasting impact on any in his short tenure. It’s become so common to see Gritty doing something wild and outrageous at a Flyers game it would actually be strange to not see his antics going viral for a period of time.

While you can’t ask for much more out of a mascot, Gritty actually asked YOU to ask for much more out of him. Last Thursday, Gritty shared a tweet explaining that he’d be working to make their dreams come true, if they’d only be so kind as to tell him what their dream is.

The replies quickly filled up, and Gritty delivered. In what must have been one of his most hectic weeks yet, Gritty could be seen as a teletubby, a spaceman, a flower girl, and everything in between.

Phew! Gritty’s going to need a bit of rest after all that, this offseason may be a lazy one for our favourite orange and fluffy friend.

Then again, maybe not.

(H/T Gritty)