Not everyone is familiar with smelling salts, so when they catch one of their favourite players taking a whiff on the bench in the middle of the game they’re probably left a little confused as to what’s actually taking place. While there are a lot of people who know about smelling salts and their purpose, not many people have actually tried them out to see how they work.

With that being said we decided to put some of the BarDown employees, as well as Jay and Dan, to the test to see how they would react to testing smelling salts for the very first time.


Employees try smelling salts for the very first time 😂 • Full video on

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As you can tell from the teaser above, the reactions once the smelling salt hit their nostrils were too good. Check out the full video below.

As expected, no one enjoyed the smelling salts, and you can’t blame them, so we’re probably better off leaving them for athletes to consume.