The Raptors took Game 6 against the Warriors, and with that, they are first-time world champions. You know they’re feeling some type of way after getting the monkey off their back. They’re going to have themselves a night over in Oakland before bringing the celebration back to Toronto.

Meanwhile, Drake’s holding it down back home in Toronto. While sending prayers up for Kevin Durant and David Ortiz, he was on an absolute high after the Raptors won — and if his happiness becomes somebody else’s meme, well, Drake’s all good with that.



“People like to make memes, make another meme out of this” 😂

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We’re sure this is how all of Toronto feels right now, too. Hate it or love it, Drake was a constant presence and one of the team’s loudest cheerleaders as the Raptors’ playoff run went long. Just like for anybody else who is this invested in the team right now, tonight is a surreal one for him.




@champagnepapi love his country and his Toronto Raptors

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