Baseball games might have the most tomfoolery of all sports in North America.
There always seems to be someone that wants to try to run the bases, streak in the outfield or just run from security for as long as they can. If the latter was this fan’s goal, he seriously failed. Although judging by where he jumped in, it doesn’t seem like there was much of a plan at all for this Dodgers fan.
He tried to jump in to the Astros bullpen, where there was no exit and there’s tons of security and several angry Astros team members.
The first person to approach the fan and bear hug him is Astros bullpen coach Craig Bjornson before everybody eventually tackles him to the ground. According to a report from USA Today, the fan had already been kicked out before jumping in the bullpen – so he probably thought he had nothing to lose.
Apparently his true motivation to jump into the bullpen was to confront a security guard that was in the bullpen. That definitely didn’t work out in his favour, but the night did end well for the Astros, who tied the series up at one.