Miami Dolphins receiver Danny Amendola is self-proclaimed as being pretty private, and overall it's hard to argue. He keeps to himself and does his job (a product of being in the New England Patriots system for a number of years). 

He let all of that go on Friday, however, with an impassioned rant about the problems him and his former girlfriend were having. Ironically, they were about the very privacy issues Amendola seemed to be breaking with the post.


Embedded Image
(Courtesy: The Big Lead)


As you may have guessed from the screenshot (courtesy of The Big Lead), the post has since been deleted. While Amendola's choice to delete it may seem as though he regretted posting it, he didn't seem to feel that way. 

After the rant, Amendola posted this picture. 




Now that that’s over, let’s party.

A post shared by Danny Amendola (@dannyamendola) on 


Party on, Danny...

(H/T The Big Lead)