Ben & Jerry’s is releasing a new ice cream flavour inspired by Colin Kaepernick.

On Thursday, both Kaepernick and the ice cream company shared on social media that they’re teaming up for a flavour that supports the fight to dismantle systems of oppressions and empower Black and Brown people.

Kaepernick mentioned that 100% of his proceeds will be going towards Know Your Rights Camp, which he founded to empower Black and Brown youth and to help elevate the voices of the next generation of racial justice leaders, and Ben & Jerry’s will match his contributions.

The Kaepernick-inspired flavour will be known as Colin Kaepernick’s Change the Whirled™, and it will consist of caramel non-dairy frozen dessert, fudge chips, graham cracker swirls and chocolate cookie swirls.

To learn more about Know Your Rights Camp, click here.